Vov Sticky Notes
Vov Sticky Notes

,Itbasicallyopensaresizablewindowwhereyoucanpastetextorstarttypingsomeofyourimportanttasks.Inadditiontotext,youcanpasteimagesand ...,VovStickyNotesisafairlysimpleprogramthatenablesyoutocreatestickerswhich,justlikepost-itnotes,servetokeepimportant...

Vov Sticky Notes for PC


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Vov Sticky Notes

It basically opens a resizable window where you can paste text or start typing some of your important tasks. In addition to text, you can paste images and ...

Vov Sticky Notes

Vov Sticky Notes is a fairly simple program that enables you to create stickers which, just like post-it notes, serve to keep important information at hand.

Vov Sticky Notes

2023年6月16日 — It basically opens a resizable window where you can paste text or start typing some of your important tasks. In addition to text, you can paste ...

Vov Sticky Notes

For many people, the desktop is simply the place where shortcuts and icons are located, without any real functionality. Nonetheless, you can benefit from ...

Vov Sticky Notes for PC

Add digital stickers to your desktop and create reminders for your upcoming events, tasks or meetings using this intuitive software.


,Itbasicallyopensaresizablewindowwhereyoucanpastetextorstarttypingsomeofyourimportanttasks.Inadditiontotext,youcanpasteimagesand ...,VovStickyNotesisafairlysimpleprogramthatenablesyoutocreatestickerswhich,justlikepost-itnotes,servetokeepimportantinformationathand.,2023年6月16日—Itbasicallyopensaresizablewindowwhereyoucanpastetextorstarttypingsomeofyourimportanttasks.Inadditiontotext,youcanpast...